Product information
Modeling features
- Saturated groundwater flow
- Multiple-aquifer systems and stratified aquifers
- Confined, leaky and unconfined conditions
- Multiple wells and observation wells
- Include well-bore storage and skin factor for pumping wells
- Time-dependent discharge
Parameter optimization features
- Automated curve-fitting based on Levenberg-Marguardt algorithm
- Toggle observation wells to be used or excluded in parameter optimization (coming soon)
- Toggle parameters to be used or excluded in parameters optimization
- Optimize location parameters for optimal well placement
User Interface (UI)
- New fully web-based user interface
- import / export project information through a project file (no data is stored on external servers)
- Works on any device: desktop, phone and tablet
- Use copy paste to interact with spreadsheets
- Create various linear or logarithmic graphs with time-variant drawdawn or discharge
- Plot contours on Open StreetMap or Open TOPO with custom colours
- Ability to export contours as GeoJSON (for use in GIS software such as QGIS or ArcGIS)
- Available in English and Dutch languages
- Use imperial or metric units
Program capacity
- 80 aquifers, 81 aquitards
- 1000 pumping and/or injection wells
- 100 pumping periods per well
- 1000 drawdown measurements per observation well
- up to 16 parameters can be optimized in a single run
Characterize aquifer systems
MLU allows the user to characterize complex aquifer systems by defining aquifer layers in which horizontal flow takes place and aquitard layers in which flow is vertical. The top and bottom of the system can be leaky or impervious. This creates an easy to understand schematization of the soil. Layers can be addes by simply clicking the '+' sign or removed by clicking 'remove'. Defining the top of your system ensures the base of each layer is listed with respect to the reference of your choice.
Define pumping and/or injection wells
Add pumping wells by entering the coordinates of your wells in WGS84 (international), RDNew (Dutch) or relative coordinate systems. Screen radius, casing radius and skin factor can be entered. Simply use the toggels to specify in which aquifers the pump is active. Use the pumping period table to specify time-dependent drawdown in the well.
Enter observed data
Observed drawdown data can be entered from a spreadsheet by using copy-paste functionality. This allows for easy interaction between files of drawdown measurements and the MLU application.
Compare measured and computed drawdowns
MLU is based on an innovative analytical solution technique for well flow in layered aquifer systems and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for parameter optimization (automated curve fitting). This unique combination of techniques allows for all tests to be analyzed in a consistent way with a single user interface: recovery tests, variable discharge tests, step-drawdown tests, complex
tests in well fields and slug tests.
"Simple to use, no nonsense software."
Ate Oosterhof, hydrology specialist, Vitens drinking water company
"MLU is a very flexible and powerful tool especially for sedimentary / multiaquifer systems."
Christian Mair, Independent Hydrogeologist